If you are planning to visit, reside or extend your stay in the UK, or if you are seeking assistance in a nationality application or registration, our specialist and experienced immigration solicitors can guide you through the process with our tailored immigration and nationality services.


You may need a visa to come to the UK to study, work, visit or join family.

There are different visas depending on:

  • where you come from
  • why you want to come to the UK
  • how long you want to stay for
  • your personal circumstances and skills

We are happy to help you navigate through this process.


If you do not already have British nationality, you can apply to either register as or become a British citizen.

Registering as a British Citizen

You may be able to apply to ‘register’ as a British Citizen if you are currently ‘stateless’ – this means you are not recognised as the citizen of any country.

If you were born in the UK or a British overseas territory, then you can apply if:

  • You are under 22 years old.
  • Have lived in the UK for at least 5 years before the date of the application.
  • You were in the UK exactly 5 years before the Home Office receives your application.
  • You have not spent more than 450 days outside the UK during those 5 years.

Becoming a British Citizen

You can apply for British Citizenship through ‘Naturalisation’ if either of the following apply to you:

  • You were born in the UK and are not a British Citizen.
  • You’re married to or in a civil partnership with a British Citizen.
  • You have Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
  • You have Settled Status under the EU Settlement Scheme
  • You have ‘Permanent Residence’ status
  • You have a British Parent.
  • You have previously renounced your citizenship.

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